it's not a surprise that i do ....

Jun 26, 2013,00:14 AM

I stepped into Panerai in 2002 and owned a total of 26 models, at this moment i still have 8 of them, 1 Rad and 7 Luminors.  The fatique came with the continuous price increases who are reaching a ridiculous point IMO, you keep paying more for something that doesn't get better (it's not like a new car that continuous to evoluate),  and of course let's not forget the lack of innovation by throwing out LE's that are in fact a copy of previous one ...  At the end it's like milking the cow like Hublot does with the Big Bang model and AP with the ROO,  they keep coming but besides a new colour combiniation or material mix there's nothing that can light my fire anymore.  I'm waiting since years that they would make a new model, a new line f.ex  and it can even be something completely different and 'modern' , even nothing to do with the Marine theme, but no .... I don't think we gonna see any of that i'm afraid.

But honnestly, Panerai management doesn't care what the oldtimers think of it, they just try to sell sell sell and the new customers don't care what a Pam costed 5 or 10 years ago or the fact that they made about +/- 450 of the same references.  So why would I care keep buying them smile  .  Not saying I will never buy them again in the future but it would have to be something that blows me out of my socks this time .... In the meantime I found a great alternative in Zenith who brings a lot of bang for the buck, great movements, great finish, and different model lines at a price that's around 30% cheaper

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Just out of curiosity, how many of you are experiencing Panerai fatigue?

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 25th, 2013-20:58
Panerai fatigue as in your Panerai collection is getting complete (whether you need 1, 2, 3 or 10 models), and it's getting difficult to pull the trigger on a new model since it's too "similar" to a prior model you already have? For those who say yes, wha...  

I kinda was ...

 By: flamenco : June 25th, 2013-21:18
Then came Basel 2013 , along with it the 1940s models ... But that is certainly not great inovation Thing is, Panerai is enjoying huge sucess, as far as I can see in the mass market segment, so there is little or no motivation to "innovate". Panerai is to... 

For me, it has been around 2 years now

 By: ik2000 : June 25th, 2013-23:07
To put it into a timeline, I had really started looking into Panerai around 2005... I bought my first and only in 2008, and sold it in 2010. And I haven't really been back since. So why? I guess, from my point of view, with times of austerity around us et... 

I have stopped buying Pam and I reckon I won't

 By: Mech : June 25th, 2013-23:30
be buying any more any time soon. I wouldn't say that's a fatigue, rather I found THE ONE I want and have been very happy with it. Only the absolute stunner new Pam would change that, I'm not even considering the vintage. So is that it for me for Pam? Pro...  

Nice Mech. [nt]

 By: John HS : June 29th, 2013-04:40

Who needs more

 By: i_am_Sam : July 5th, 2013-07:54
when one already have THE Panerai.. It is the quintessential Panerai. A very nice choice indeed Greg Best, Sam

I had to move on...

 By: i_am_Sam : July 7th, 2013-08:57
And in order to move on I had to let go and therefore can continue with my journey in this long and winding horology world! You're lucky to have that one Greg. And I hope to see it stay in your collection Best, Sam

after years of playing different pams, I'm pretty

 By: Mech : July 7th, 2013-21:10
sure this is IT. Mech.

it's not a surprise that i do ....

 By: P@trick@Belgium : June 26th, 2013-00:14
I stepped into Panerai in 2002 and owned a total of 26 models, at this moment i still have 8 of them, 1 Rad and 7 Luminors. The fatique came with the continuous price increases who are reaching a ridiculous point IMO, you keep paying more for something th... 

PAMROOBANG horological lexicon

 By: Hororgasm : June 29th, 2013-13:59
Good observation. Best, Horo

I think the continuous price increases have made us all more selective

 By: AnthonyTsai : July 1st, 2013-21:06
in which model(s) to purchase. Because for the same amount of money, a lot of times you can get another watch with better value from another brand. Panerai's growing popularity over the past decade probably had a big part in the constant price increases. ... 

There's no fatigue in my case...

 By: sergio : June 26th, 2013-05:41
Even though I own 26 Panerais, I like each and everyone of them. Thing is, though, I have aquired a taste for the history of Panerai and contemporary models have, somehow, lost their appeal. The last 4 pieces I bought were 3 Pre-As and 1 Pre-V. I like som... 

Yes... You must innovate or you'll die!

 By: Fricks : June 26th, 2013-09:01
Panerai is the living example. Most of my friends who used to have panerai's got tired, sold most of them or all. Recurring models with slight modifications or LE's boutique, Exclusive models one year at top premium prices, and same model next year at 1/1... 

How does Rolex keep charging along?

 By: AnthonyTsai : July 1st, 2013-21:08
Their designs have been practically stagnant over the years if you compare them to other brands. Yes they've come out with some new models but overall, the look is still practically identical from before. Does Panerai need to innovate as much or do they h... 

Your answer is in your question...

 By: Fricks : July 2nd, 2013-12:11
beside, Rolex is the king. Whats allowed to the king isn't for the masses :)

Not fatigue but ...

 By: nilomis : June 26th, 2013-10:27
Tedious of this repeated design over and over. I owned only one (a pedestrian Luminor Marina) and we didn't match. Other factor that disturbs me is the plethora of movements, going from ETA to in house passing even to Zenith! Cheers, Nilo

Get into a Time Machine...

 By: SALMANPK : June 26th, 2013-15:45
and go back to 1997 :-), when they "revamped" the original boutique in Piazza Duomo and made it look like all the others around the world it lost that old world Italian feel and magic and the beginning of the end for me. Having owned Vintage, Prototypes a... 

Interesting question....

 By: Darron : June 28th, 2013-05:58
I know I am one of the new timers getting introduced to the brand in 2009. I think it's clear that many panerai enthusiasts have been fatigued...seemingly because Panerai began re-releasing variations to SEs that were "too similar" (pronzo and Cali variat... 

Hey Anthony, I absolutely love this brand but...

 By: elliot55 : June 28th, 2013-11:50
... I have never felt good about the way Panerai prices their pieces. I already have a 190 and a 312, and love them both. Last year I fell hard for the 441; an all ceramic GMT with the so-called "dirty dial". When it was first announced, I was told the re... 

Yup agreed. I think many will too

 By: AnthonyTsai : July 1st, 2013-21:10
Pricing is probably the biggest gripe with the old timers. - AT

I have 15 PAMS now, and sold 5 over the last 5 years, and booked two from this year's SIHH

 By: Hororgasm : June 29th, 2013-13:57
What I am saying is...fatigued a little, evidenced by slower buying, but contradicted by not wanting to sell any too. Guess I am confused. I hate all the limited edition crap, PAM politics, collector's ego, product defects, year to year "me too and again"... 

Well....what a extremely fatigued collector would do is.....

 By: Mr.Gatsby : June 30th, 2013-04:46
Sell them all and give up! :D

Interesting question. The fatigue is not limited to Panerai alone but watches in general

 By: Mr.Gatsby : June 30th, 2013-04:39
As far as Panerai's evolution is concerned, I believe what has been achieved is expected and there is no major problems with it, the way I see it. One man's meat is another's poison. You will have haters but on the flip side you will find others who love ... 

Great answer. Another important factor is financial constraints

 By: AnthonyTsai : July 1st, 2013-21:13
Practically everyone has a fixed amount of savings to use for buying watches. Once that money is all used up, it takes a much longer time to rebuild that savings in order to buy another watch. - AT

Agree, not limited to panerai but in general

 By: teofft : July 3rd, 2013-08:35
I love the brand and continue following the models year after year. This, despite some disappointments I've had with QC; most notably the misspelling on the caseback of my PAM 784 (399/398) set and the caseback discoloration of my 339. In the end, my 339 ...  

Great collection teofft...!! I can see why you're

 By: Mech : July 4th, 2013-01:54
getting the fatique :) Mech.

I think Panerai has lost

 By: Aless156 : June 30th, 2013-11:59
something along the way, which has resulted in feeling of fatigue in some. I first started look at them in 2000, but didn't buy one until about 2005. What was striking about them was their design. So unique. The only thing that prevented me buying one for... 

I think panerai collections require diversity

 By: gregcarraram3 : July 4th, 2013-05:23
I'm learning, at least for me, collecting requires purpose. When I have panerai I need to have at least one other option to mix it up with...I don't do so well with just panerai and nothing else. I love their look but always find myself wanting 

Great answer Greg

 By: AnthonyTsai : July 4th, 2013-17:09
We all need diversity in everything we do whether cars, watches, or fine wine. Only thing we can't diversify is with women, assuming you're married :) Cheers, Anthony

Thank you Antony

 By: gregcarraram3 : July 4th, 2013-20:47
Without profits companies will fail...and Panerai can't win if they make the same old...they will be faulted for that...if they branch out they aren't purists... There is enough diversity in the brand for everyone...I may argue more than most brands...but... 


 By: gregcarraram3 : July 4th, 2013-20:50
I'm married and may have a bit of objection to "diversity" on that front!!!!!


 By: H2F : July 4th, 2013-20:25
I think it's the confusion between the appeal of the passionate collectors community of the brand VS the cold, for-profit, large corporation that actually owns the brand. After just a few years, I feel that I'm done with playing the politics to beg to be ... 

Slow down a little bit on realeasing models ?

 By: i_am_Sam : July 5th, 2013-08:05
I'm open to new creations, like the 233, 323. Even the chronograph models. But Panerai seems to be taking so much advantage knowing that collectors love the historic/base models. I think they should balance their new releases, with new creations, - not ju... 

Panerai has a problem ahead.

 By: paultsh : July 7th, 2013-09:44
I think the price increases would have to be expected in commensurate with the Brand's huge success in the last decade or so. In this respect, panerai is no different from the Rolex brand. The big problem I see looming ahead of OP is the scope of diversit... 

Yes - LE waiting list fatigue

 By: Stefan2 : July 7th, 2013-10:00
I began to experience a sense of fatigue with long, no guarantee waiting for LEs. Even with good relationships with ADs and boutiques, the LE game has become an increasing drag for sure. Also, the large number of LEs models released every year is also fat...